Saturday, March 1, 2014

Anna's arrival

Today is the day!!! 

At 12:30 this afternoon we will be picking up Anna at the airport with her three bags of memories and we will be bringing her home!!! 

It's been a long two years but finally she is here to stay! I can't wait to see her! 


Friday, January 24, 2014

Philosophical on a quiet level

I'm sitting on the couch in my living room, just minding my own business, and drinking a glass of cheap red wine (my favorite) when all of a sudden I started to put into words the thoughts and feelings I've been having lately. 

I almost posted these thoughts as a facebook status or made a comment on twitter but then I remembered that I have a blog and that it's a mostly personal blog, since we barely keep up with it and don't have a lot of followers. haha So I can voice my opinion and not really worry about what other people think of it because no one reads this blog! I bet Anna herself won't even see this for months. (Speaking of Anna, she comes home March 1st! AHHHHH)

So now is the time for confession. It all started when I was in elementary school and got my first disc of Sims. No, not that early version where you dropped houses places and made a little town, the one where you made your own characters, paid money, bought a plot of land, built your own house, then proceeded to play out your little people's lives. 

But my favorite part of that game was always building the houses. I used to spend hours building and customizing my house and by the time I was ready to put my people inside, I was done playing. I'll admit on here (but no where else) that I used to cut houses out of the newspaper and put them in a little box on a shelf in my room. I thought of them as the future houses I would one day buy. I can remember some of them to this day and realized how cookie-cutter they were but I was impressed by how big they looked and wanted them simply for that fact. I love watching House Hunters, even if it is "fake", I love house hunting and demanded Brooke and Sam take me while they were searching for their future home, and now at the age of (almost) 23 I am still obsessed. 

When Brooke and Sam really started their house hunt Max and I caught the house hunting bug or, at least, I did. I remember dog sitting for B+S while they were away and looking up houses online. Max and I were hanging out in their living room watching TV but I was hooked to my computer screen and favoriting my top choices. When B+S moved out, we thought we would move into the duplex, but that didn't work out and we moved in with them in their amazing home. But living there wasn't what we thought it would be and we dreamed of having a place of our own. Again, I was hooked to my computer searching page after page of ideal houses we could rent or own. We actually got off our asses and met a real-estate agent at one of these houses and did a walk through! It was my first real taste of actual house hunting, for us, not for someone else! That didn't work out and we ended up renting my grandpa's house from my mom. A true blessing even if 2 weeks later we lost our grandpa. It has been so amazing to have a house, to ourselves, and one that came fully furnished and stocked! We seriously do appreciate all that we have, even if we don't say it enough, or at all. Sorry...

But time is running out for us here at 941 Deborah Ave. My mom needs to sell the home soon and we will need to find a place that can hold two adults, two dogs, two ferrets and room to grow. Plus a hamster but he doesn't take up much room or do anything at all for that matter. So here I am, on my couch, minding my own business and searching through page after page of houses because apartment living just isn't in the future for us, I'm afraid. In the beginning, Max wanting to buy a house was impractical (and maybe it still is). He worked part time and I worked full time but we were still only bringing in a small smalllllll amount of money. I've since switched jobs but I make basically the same amount. Max has gotten more hours but that's not saying much. What really changed our minds was when he was nearing graduation of DePaul and applying for actual jobs. He just recently was hired for a 3 month internship that could turn into a job if he does well and if they still need him. We have been waiting a month and a half, maybe even two months, to hear about whether or not he got the job and just found out a week ago. He starts in the beginning of Feb. The pay raise for this internship is significant and if it turns into a full time job we will be better off than we've ever been.

And we really want to buy a house.

I know it's way to early to be house hunting but tell that to 21 year old me or 20 year old me or even 9 year old me. I love house hunting and I dream of my future house, literally. Anytime I go into anyone's home I envision what it would look like if I lived there. I'm obsessed, I say it now as I've said it before. 

Now comes the real philosophical shit. Alongside future house hunting I always told myself I'd get the fuck out of Elgin, and Illinois for that matter, as soon as I could. My mom used to say (during my troublesome years) ((are those even over?)) "You just can't wait to move away from here, can you?" No, I couldn't. But look... here I am 10 years later. Still in stinky old Elgin, still in Illinois. Although, now that I'm older and know a bit more about the state I live in I realized not all of Illinois is like this. I wouldn't mind still living in Illinois just, maybe, more South. Their weather is a bit more tame there and landscaping is more pleasing to the eye. I just want to ease away from Chicago and it's suburbs. 

But Max's new internship is in Chicago and, if it turns into a full time job, he will have to stay around this area. Now, this isn't Max's dream job, but it's his first big boy job. If it works out, we plan on sticking around here for a few years. That was never what I wanted but I'm starting to realize, as I grow up, that this might be better. My first niece or nephew will be born sometime in March and I will want to be around for them plus Brooke and Sam want to have a baby soon too. We have money and live an extremely comfortable life, we may hate the cold and the winter but to have my dad come shovel our driveway sunday morning because he wants to is something we wouldn't have if we move 1,000 miles away. I'm scared to live too close to our comfort zone but at the same time if we lose the beginning stages of our families lives, what would we have for ourselves? We would be off on our own watching our family grow up through a computer screen. 

It scared me to think I may not be going any where anytime soon and it scared me to see myself becoming this housewife, but the thing is that I have come to terms with what my life is right now. Does that mean it will always be this way? Maybe. But maybe not. I don't know what the future holds and as long as we still look to each other and say, "One day..." I can have hope that we will live extraordinary lives (maybe not to you) but to us. 

Another thing is in our family (Flores) we don't talk about feelings much. But I'll tell you this: I used to worry that my kids would look at me and think I'm boring. That they would say "Aunt Anna is so cool and has done so much, what have you done?" I know I'm the youngest child but sometimes I feel like the middle one because I feel as if I were in the middle of Liz and Anna's lives. One side of me wants comfort and home (like Liz) while the other part wants to roam and be free (like Anna). But I accept the person that I am. I feel that I have enough control over my mind to make myself move away one day but I'm practical too. And I don't think that that's bad. I understand where my life is right now and I'm going to go with it. 

It feels so much better to get this out without bothering someone. I need to say these words, but not force them upon someone, and get them out of my head. I've struggled with my own mind before and for a while, in the beginning, this was getting me down. I fretted over what my life is and would be. But I feel better now. I'm mastering my own view of myself and my life and I understand it more. It even feels good to type. When was the last time I actually typed a full paragraph? Ahhhh. 

Well, now I've moved to the bed with my man and my babies (dogs) and I'm going to rest easy. One last thought I have to share is that, it seems, as if everyone in the world is jealous of someone else's life. I may look to Anna and Kaley and wish I could have so much freedom or look to Liz and Joe and wish I could have a baby, but I just need to focus on my own life and make it something I think is worth living. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Christmas wish list!

Just thought I'd pop in for a bit and let you all know what's on my Christmas list this year!
I'm still technically calling this my last Christmas as the baby of the family, even though I know we're going to be buying a lot of baby stuff for Liz and Joe, the baby won't be here until April so it's still me. Although, even just thinking about having a baby to buy for next year is getting me so freaking excited!! 

Coffee is a new thing for me. I never used to drink it and still find it quite awful tasting but I have been relying on 5 hour energies for a while now and I need to put a stop to it. My mom is letting me borrow her camper Keurig but she said she wants it back by summer so I guess I'll need to get my own! haha

These lens are a must have for me! I just updated my phone to the Iphone 5c and I was really considering going outside the iPhone family to the nokia lumia for it's camera but I was too intimidated about having to learn a whole new phone and I guess they have some limited options for apps. I love my new phone but these little bugs would be the icing on the cake.

Who wouldn't want the complete Boy Meets World Series DVDs?

And of course money or gift cards. Unfortunately, I have a few big ticket items so I might not be getting a lot of that this year. But I have so much I want to buy as well. I haven't been clothes shopping for myself in a while, busy buying groceries and dog food, and the last time I did go shopping I went to Old Navy. Which isn't a bad place anymore (I used to hate it) but I still find myself thinking "Old Navy, really??" I really need to go thrifting soon and I have a craving to hit up Urban Outfitters that my wallet can't fill. But we shall see what the future holds. There's always my birthday in February as well! I'll be 23, what the heck?! And Anna is going to be 25 in December. When did this happen?!


Friday, September 27, 2013

SK 2013

SO, I suppose our little corner of the internet hasn't been getting a lot of our attention. I believe it's mostly because I never have anything to say. But I've got a lot to say today. Max and I finally pulled our money together and bought some tickets to go see Anna in her part of the world and I'd like to tell you about it...

South Korea is 14 hours ahead of our time here in Illinois, so when we boarded our 14 hour flight we knew we were in for a long journey. Luckily, Korean Air is seriously accommodating. We had an abundance of movies and shows to watch, multiple games we could play, even against each other, and interactive video to see what the front and back of the plane could see and where exactly we were on the earth. So even though we were cramped and exhausted, we were at least entertained.

When we got to the Incheon airport in South Korea we made a little camp on the benches and waiting for Anna to join us. This wasn't our last stop. We were to continue on to the Philippines for a side trip for a few days.

When I saw Anna I was filled with so much excitement and love! My best friend, my sister! Reunited at last!

But after a four hour flight, we arrived in Cebu, Philippines at about 1 or 2 in the morning. Anna had a hotel room waiting for us though and we crashed for about 10 hours. The next afternoon we boarded another plane, arrived on another island, boarded a boat, and arrived at our final island, Boracay.

Above is our room and us all standing on our balcony. We stayed at Spider House and, boy, was it beautiful! It was very outdoors-y which caused for some interesting encounters. Like when it rained or that giant beetle flew in and couldn't fly out or when that cat just walked through our room. The Philippines is such a beautiful place. The ocean was warm and salty, the people were friendly and helpful, and the wildlife is abundant.

There was a restaurant/sitting area on the bottom floor of our hotel, although our hotel had many many many levels that weren't always level, if you get my meaning. But this was the place we hung out the most. Eating breakfast, next to the ocean, the sun, breeze, it was all amazing.

The town was a booming place. Busy, noisy, crowded, bright, happy, and with many shops and restaurants! We couldn't see enough of the place! Every day we'd explore something new.

This is the little cave/tunnel that we had to walk through to get to our front gate of the hotel with spiders and waves galore!

There were downsides to the trip, such as, Max and I getting sick from the food and Max got sunburned/sunsick on the second day but the trip gave us a chance to learn about a place we knew nothing about and getting to see a part of the world so different from ours. I've never been to a place like it and it was definitely not... resort-ish nor was it real life, but it was fun and I'll never forget.

But we left after a few days and traveled back to Korea!

Here is the view from Anna's apartment in Bucheon. Her place wasn't as small as I thought it would be and her cat, not as mean, though twice as annoying. We had so much to do in such a small amount of time. We got to Korea at 7am on Wednesday and we were to leave Sunday afternoon. Anna wanted us to experience everything and meet everyone. We were tired and still a little sick but we followed her like sheep and our eyes grew wide with the many many many things we saw.

The market

The food

The city night

Everyday life = subway



And amusement

I enjoyed seeing into her life, learning about what she deals with everyday. I have to admit it was a culture shock but a relief to be in a place that reminded me somewhat of home. Which I was excited to go back to after this exhausting but amazing trip. The only problem was leaving Anna behind. I didn't realize how much I missed her until I had her around all day everyday. She's my other half and without her I am lonely. It's been awhile since she's been home long enough to see whenever I want. I am happy she's being an adventurer but I still miss her and want her here. But she'll be home and March and though she may not be here for good, she might not be leaving without me again. But she'll still be home for a bit and we get to make new memories and I am counting the days. :]


Monday, June 24, 2013

Let's go on an adventure!

This weekend I went to Chicago with my friend, Melissa. I met Melissa in 3rd grade and it's been a miracle that we've been able to stay such great friends since. We weren't always in school together and we've had a falling out or two but the fates have seen it fit that we pull through and whenever we get together it's always so much fun and so easy to pick up exactly where we left off. I love her and this weekend was just another crazy story to add to our collection. :D

The night began late afternoon at my house. We had a bottle of wine, music, and a hot bathroom filled with hair products and make up. haha I tried really hard to curl her hair but it resisted my attempts. Oh well, she still looked amazing in the outfit we put together and I made a cute little hair braid headband upon her request.

Shirt: Forever 21
Skirt: Forever 21 (I believe)
Shoes: Ross
Necklace: Thrift
Purse: Gift
I can't really remember where most of my accessories came from but I did buy the dress at a second hand shop in the city. A lucky find, I say, but I did manage to spill purple juice on the front of it early on so it's probably screwed for life now. :/  

Unfortunately, there was a smudge on my lens that I didn't see so a lot of the photos have that blurry mess in them but we can look past that. We were in a hurry to catch our train out there so we just snapped a few in the backyard and left. 

So off we went to the city in search of an adventure. We got off at Union station and walked the mile and a half to Millennium park to see the notorious bean! 

Right below the bean was an outdoor bar/restaurant, so we decided to get our first drink there and then our second... and third.... and fourth... haha We ended up hanging out at that bar for basically the rest of the night. Our bartender was super friendly and we were having such a good time catching up. The black hawk's game was on as well and, although I haven't really watched any of their games, Melissa was into it and so was everyone around us! the atmosphere was intoxicating and I was intoxicated so I cheered as loud as everyone else when they won! 

At this bar we were sitting next to this really nice French couple and ended up hanging out with them the rest of the night! They were so friendly and super funny! After the game ended our bartender recommended a bar across the street to go to next. Our bill ended up being a lot cheaper than we thought and we were really excited and feeling good! The four of us went to Rudy's bar and our bartender ended up meeting us there as well! I wasn't feeling drinking at that point and was getting pretty tired but our train didn't leave until 12:40 so we hung out for a while and Melissa had a few more drinks. haha Finally, it came time for us to start the walk back to Union station. Melissa and I headed out and our bartender friend decided to follow us out. 

We were having a great time laughing and walking, trying to find our way back. Unfortunately, we didn't exactly know where we were going and our "friend" wouldn't help us out until it was too late. At 12:30 he went ahead and let us know that we were no where close and would never catch the train in time. Stunned we went into the nearest bar and sat down trying to figure out what we were going to do next. Melissa was so mad she ordered a bunch of drinks and put it under our newest enemy's name. I promptly went to the bathroom to have a pity party and to call Max. We were screwed. That was the last train until morning and we were stuck in the city. Melissa started calling people she knew to help us get out of there but I said fuck it and ran outside, found the nearest cab, and asked if he's take us back to Elgin. 

$155 later we were finally home. Good thing we barely paid for anything while we were in the city because that taxi ride cleaned me out. But what was our alternative? Stay in the city with a stranger? No thanks. Overall, the night was a blast. In the end it was just another part of the story to log away and something funny to laugh at later. I had so much fun and I hope Melissa did too. We always get into crazy shit when we're together but I wouldn't have it any other way!
